Dating from 1944, this rare document was unearthed by a Nutley customer of ours recently.. a certificate signed by Lady Denman, with a distinction no less! Preserved in quite excellent condition for the last 70 years, it was decided to put it on display, yet preserve it in pristine condition for posterity. A bit of a dichotomy you may think.. keeping it tucked away in a dark place would surely be the best way to stop it fading? Yet with the miracles of modern glazing technology, it is possible to keep the harmful UV rays at bay whilst viewing with absolute clarity. Clarity so good in fact, that the glass is virtually invisible.

landarmy tractor driving certificate

The finished Land Army tractor driving certificate frame

We wrote about these ‘magic’ glass options previously here, as the simple days of choosing whether or not to have ‘non-reflective’ glass are long gone.. life is much more complicated now! Art glass UV was used for this particular frame, and although somewhat expensive at a £26 premium over standard float glass, the visual result and the long term benefit made it an obvious choice.

We are indebted to Uckfield News for researching the full story, which you can enjoy here.